October 2024 – Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Bowling Green University, Ohio.
◆ “Lessons from Abiayala: Moving from Theory to Praxis in the Study of Indigenous Literatures.” Keynote address.
◆ Abstract: What does it mean to work on Indigenous Literatures from Abiayala? What is the importance of shifting approaches to teaching and research to radically include the voices of the original inhabitants of the region? This keynote addresses these and other questions to think of ways in which scholars can be better neighbours and colleagues, enrich their teaching, and expand their scholarly practice. It will also address issues of intercultural communication, translation, and the overall challenges of ‘doing’ pedagogy and research against the grain. The talk is structured around lessons learned as a Latin Americanist in the field of Indigenous Studies, working alongside Indigenous scholars and practitioners, and moving in and out of traditional academic spaces.
April 2023 – Premodern Theory Otherwise graduate seminar, Pennsylvania State University.
◆ “Words, Worlds, Literatures: The Ts’íib of Xocom Balumil.” Co-presented with Paul M. Worley.
April 2021 – Département de littératures et de langues du monde, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
◆ “Poesía maya contemporánea: Una mirada desde el ts’íib” Contemporary Maya Poetry: A Look from the Perspective of Ts’íib.
◆ Event write-up: “Nouveaux regards sur les littératures mayas” par Daphné Morin.
March 2021 – Indigenous Realities in Latin America seminar, Latin American Studies, University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario.
◆ “From Text to Textile: Rethinking Maya Writing.” Co-presented with Paul M. Worley.
◆ Recorded lecture: “From Text to Textile: Rethinking Maya Writing.”
February 2021 – International Day of the Mother Tongue at the Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo. Hidalgo, Mexico.
◆ “Las lenguas Indígenas en la literatura contemporánea” Indigenous languages in contemporary literature. Keynote address.
◆ Event write-up: “UICEH conmemora el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna.”
January 2021 – Seminario de literaturas indígenas at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes. Caracas, Venezuela.
◆ “Desescribir la literatura maya” Unwriting Maya Literature. Co-presented with Paul M. Worley.
February 24-25, 2020 – Indigenous Writers and Their Critics, University of California, San Diego.
◆ “Más allá del texto: La cartografía visual/vivencial de Chi Xot” Beyond Text: The Visual/Lived Cartography of Chi Xot.
February 26, 2020 – College of Liberal Arts Scholarly Intersections, California State University, Long Beach.
◆”Beyond the Written Word: Contemporary Maya Cultural Production.”
February 10, 2020. Unwriting Literary History: Palestinian & Indigenous Literary Imaginaries: PalREAD Discussion Workshop. Freie Universität Berlin.
September 28, 2019 (2:45 – 3:45 PM EDT) – “Working at a Canadian Institution.” Faculty Job Market Conference. Beyond the Professoriate.
July 16-19, 2019 – III CILCAC Conferencia Internacional sobre Literatura Centroamericana Contemporánea: Literaturas Indígenas y Afrodescendientes. Feria Internacional del Libro en Guatemala (FILGUA), Guatemala. Advisory committee member and presenter.
◆ Worley, Paul M. and Rita M. Palacios. “La escritura pensada de otra manera: Ts’íib y el reto a la palabra escrita.” Writing Another Way: Ts’íib and a Challenge to the Written Word.
May 24-27, 2019 – LASA Annual Congress, Boston.
Session organizer and presenter. Session: New studies and perspectives on contemporary Indigenous literatures from Mexico and Guatemala.
◆ Worley, Paul M. and Rita M. Palacios, “Other Ways of Writing through Ts’íib.”
May 10 -12, 2019 – CALACS-ACELAC Annual Conference, York University, Toronto.
◆ “The Art of Performance: Maya Artists Take the Stage in Contemporary Guatemala.”