I hold a doctorate in Spanish with a specialization in Latin American Literature from the University of Toronto. I am a professor of languages in the School of Liberal Studies at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario. My research examines contemporary Maya literature from a cultural and gender studies perspective. I recently co-authored a book Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’íib as Recorded Knowledge (March 2019) with Paul M. Worley, in which we privilege the Maya category ts’íib over constructions of the literary in order to reveal how Maya peoples themselves conceive of cultural production.
Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’íib as Recorded Knowledge
Co-authored with Paul M. Worley. University of Arizona Press, 2019.
Unwriting Maya Literature provides a decolonial framework for reading Maya texts, building on the work of Maya authors and intellectuals Gaspar Pedro González (Q’anjob’al) and Irma Otzoy (Kaqchikel). We privilege the Maya category ts’íib to reveal how Maya peoples themselves conceive of artistic creation, thereby offering a decolonial departure from theoretical approaches that remain situated within alphabetic Maya linguistic and literary creation.
- Karger, Paula L. “Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’ íib as Recorded Knowledge by M. Worley and Rita M. Palacios.” The Latin Americanist 66.3 (2022): 371-374
- Eternod, Sue Meneses. “Paul M. Worley y Rita M. Palacios. Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’ íib as Recorded Knowledge” Diálogos de Campo 4.8 (2022): 131-136
- Pérez González, Jaime. “Des-escribir la literatura maya: Ts’ íib como conocimiento grabado por Paul M. Worley and Rita M. Palacios” in Native American and Indigenous Studies 8.2 (2021): 176-177.
- Pérez González, Jaime. “Stijk’untesel xnichimal maya ts’ iib: sk’ejomal snopojibal-sp’ijil maya te ts’ íibe by Paul M. Worley and Rita M. Palacios” in Native American and Indigenous Studies 8.2 (2021): 174-175.
- Pérez González, Jaime. “Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’ íib as Recorded Knowledge by Paul M. Worley and Rita M. Palacios” in Native American and Indigenous Studies 8.2 (2021): 178-179.
- Campbell, Sarah A. “Worley, Paul M. and Palacios, Rita M. (2019) Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts’íib as Recorded Knowledge” in Bulletin of Latin American Research 40.1 (January 2021): 161-162.
- Brown, Julia. “UnReading: New Approaches to Recorded Indigenous Knowledges Across Abiayala” in Chasqui 49.1 (May 2020)
- Esch, Sophie. “Maya Textures: Conceptualizing Contemporary Indigenous Poetics, Patterns, and Performances” in Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura 35.2 (2020): 165-167
April 2021 – Département de littératures et de langues du monde, Université de Montréal,. Montreal, Canada.
◆ “Poesía maya contemporánea: Una mirada desde el ts’íib” Contemporary Maya Poetry: A Look from the Perspective of Ts’íib.
◆ Event write-up: “Nouveaux regards sur les littératures mayas” par Daphné Morin.
March 2021 – Indigenous Realities in Latin America seminar, Latin American Studies, University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario.
◆ “From Text to Textile: Rethinking Maya Writing.” Co-presented with Paul M. Worley.
◆ Recorded lecture: “From Text to Textile: Rethinking Maya Writing.”
February 2021 – International Day of the Mother Tongue at the Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo. Hidalgo, Mexico.
◆ “Las lenguas Indígenas en la literatura contemporánea” Indigenous languages in contemporary literature. Keynote address.
◆ Event write-up: “UICEH conmemora el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna.”
January 2021 – Seminario de literaturas indígenas at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes. Caracas, Venezuela.
◆ “Desescribir la literatura maya” Unwriting Maya Literature. Co-presented with Paul M. Worley.
February 24-25, 2020 – Indigenous Writers and Their Critics, University of California, San Diego.
◆ “Más allá del texto: La cartografía visual/vivencial de Chi Xot” Beyond Text: The Visual/Lived Cartography of Chi Xot.
February 26, 2020 – College of Liberal Arts Scholarly Intersections, California State University, Long Beach.
◆”Beyond the Written Word: Contemporary Maya Cultural Production.”
February 10, 2020. Unwriting Literary History: Palestinian & Indigenous Literary Imaginaries: PalREAD Discussion Workshop. Freie Universität Berlin.
September 28, 2019 (2:45 – 3:45 PM EDT) – “Working at a Canadian Institution.” Faculty Job Market Conference. Beyond the Professoriate.
July 16-19, 2019 – III CILCAC Conferencia Internacional sobre Literatura Centroamericana Contemporánea: Literaturas Indígenas y Afrodescendientes. Feria Internacional del Libro en Guatemala (FILGUA), Guatemala. Advisory committee member and presenter.
◆ Worley, Paul M. and Rita M. Palacios. “La escritura pensada de otra manera: Ts’íib y el reto a la palabra escrita.” Writing Another Way: Ts’íib and a Challenge to the Written Word.
May 24-27, 2019 – LASA Annual Congress, Boston.
Session organizer and presenter. Session: New studies and perspectives on contemporary Indigenous literatures from Mexico and Guatemala.
◆ Worley, Paul M. and Rita M. Palacios, “Other Ways of Writing through Ts’íib.”
May 10 -12, 2019 – CALACS-ACELAC Annual Conference, York University, Toronto.
◆ “The Art of Performance: Maya Artists Take the Stage in Contemporary Guatemala.”
Other Activity
- “Thread, A Loom, A Skein: Rita M. Palacios on Maya Ts’íib as a Departure from Literature” interview with Alton Melvar M Dapanas for Asymptote. January 2024.
- The Lhima’alh’ama’ Project, 2023.
- “Lukas Avendaño: Reflections from Muxeidad.” Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach. Edited by Deborah P. Amory; Sean G. Massey; Jennifer Miller; and Allison P. Brown. New York: SUNY Press, 2022. (Invited reprint). https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu/introlgbtqstudies/
- “Prólogo.” (Prologue). K’anel Bail (Amarnos entre nosotros): Poesía LGBT+ tsotsil/español. (To Love Each Other: LGBT+ Poetry in Tsotsil and Spanish). San Cristóbal de las Casas: Sna Jk’optik Ediciones, 2021.
- “Luis Chalí: Comic Maya.” Siwar Mayu. 2021.
- “Reading Mexican and Guatemalan Literatures in Translation: A Conversation Between Dr. Paul M. Worley and Dr. Rita M. Palacios.” Michigan Quarterly Review. October 27, 2020.
- (English) “Manuel Tzoc Bucup’s Queer Poetry.” Siwar Mayu. Octubre 2020.
(Español) “La poesía cuir de Manuel Tzoc Bucup.” Siwar Mayu. October 2020.
- (English) “Lukas Avendaño: Reflections from muxeidad.” Siwar Mayu. June 2020.
(Español) “Lukas Avendaño: Reflexiones desde la muxeidad” Siwar Mayu. Junio 2020.
- “Necesito OER.” Faculty Learning Hub. Teaching and Learning at Conestoga College. Feb. 14, 2020.
Meet Manuel Tzoc Bucup
Tzoc Bucup – Curated tweets by ProfRPalacios
Writing and Thinking in the Time of a Pandemic
Versión en español. I wrote this reflection a few weeks before the BLM protests broke out in the U.S. and completely forgot about posting. I am now sharing it with you, before more time passes. It’s been a long time since I last posted and a lot has changed since then. Last time I posted …
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Beyond the Text: Chi Xot’s Visual/Lived Cartography (paper)
Español I will be presenting on the work of Ángel Poyón and Fernado Poyón at the Indigenous Writers and their Critics Symposium (February 24-25, 2020) at the University of California, San Diego. I wrote the paper in Spanish but I prepared a summary in English for those who won’t be able to follow along. The …
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